Mid-November through Mid-January is tough and expensive. It’s cold, often overcast and there are all those holidays. There’s the desire and the pressure to buy gifts for anyone you can think of whether or not they want or need what you get them, cards to write and special meals to prepare. Even without COVID-19 restrictions in place, the joys and stresses of the whole NoDecJan holiday season are a lot to deal with. Now we have to figure out how to do it all and still stay safe.
It’s super stressful and when we get stressed out, regular decluttering takes a seat way in the back. But you’re here because you want something quick and easy you can do to keep clutter at bay and get through this season so when 2021 gets here (can’t be fast enough), you’re not in a more cluttery position than you are right now.
Send it away Saturday is here to support you — let’s find one thing to let go of each Saturday. Just one and then you’re done. It can be anything from an extra paperclip to one of those Christmas trees down in the basement.
If you want to stay seasonal, each Saturday look around for something with a holiday theme that you no longer care to have taking up space in your home. Possibilities include:
- faded, fraying napkins you won’t put out for any meal this season
- torn tree skirts
- ornaments that always stay in the box
- cards you know you won’t send
- roasting pans that haven’t been used in ten years
- any amount of tired tinsel
- themed doormats that you keep forgetting to put out for the appropriate holiday.
That’s just a few suggestions to get your wheels turning. Remember, I’m only asking you to pick one thing each Saturday. If you can’t find anything, your challenge is simple — send me a photograph of your table set with the dusty old napkins, your tree swaddled with its torn tree skirt and the empty ornament box. Capture the moment you use that roaster, standing on a themed mat to save your feet. Show me that tinsel bedecking the mantel and those cards, stamped and sitting in your mailbox waiting to be picked up.
It might be easier to find something to let go of. I’d love to see a picture of that, too.
Professional Organizer Lucy Kelly shares decluttering tips and strategies on her blog, www.joyfulsurroundingsllc.com. Reach her at 720-697-3780.
The Link LonkDecember 12, 2020 at 10:04PM
Send It Away Saturday: Holidays need decluttering, too - Longmont Times-Call
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